Friday, July 23, 2010

Back to Blogging

I know---have I totally forgotten how to blog? Well, I guess sorta! My issue is pictures--I have been terrible at taking pictures lately, really for about the last year! Poor little Ezra, I promise to get better at capturing your babyhood through more pictures.

But, even just this one proves he is the cutest little five month old in the world!

Aaron took the kids hiking today. My kids take hiking really seriously, as in backpacks, binoculars, etc. When they got home, Julia got out a little first aid kit from her backpack to put it away and I just had to laugh inside how she is so prepared--I love it!

I took Julia to see the movie, Ramona and Beezus, tonight--it was a cute show. It was fun to go with just Julia. I loved the Ramona the Pest books when I was little. It made me miss my childhood--it's great being the mom, but I tear up just thinking about how wonderful and carefree childhood is.

And as a finale, a mom story for you!

I was brave and took the kids to Willow Park the other day. I say brave because that's exactly what it is to be alone and take 5 kids anywhere! So, when I went to get Luke out of the car, he had a poopy diaper and it was EVERYWHERE! It was one of those mom moments (which are happening to me like 25 times a day lately!), where you have to laugh, breathe and self-talk, "I can do this, I am strong, I can do this!"
So, as I am getting through this happen all too often dilema, I realized this same exact thing happened to me when Luke was only like 2 months old and I thought I would be super mom and take all 4 kids at the time to Hoogle Zoo. We were there for like 20 minutes in the 100 degree weather and you guessed it: head to toe, newborn baby blowout! I looked at the kids and said, "Pick one more animal to look at because we're leaving!"

Flash forward to the other day, I realized that all my little daily stressful mom moments are starting to duplicate! It's like when you've lived in enough places where you feel like you've met everyone's twin. Now, I've been a mom long enough that I feel like I've lived and re-lived these lovely moments of stress, yikes, what am I going to do moments.

However, there are still soooo many areas of unchartered territory for me as a mom that continue to present themselves. It is so true that as soon as you think you have your child figured out or you are in a little routine, things change! I think it's a child's way of keeping us on our toes. I have been completely overwhelmed with the demands of being a mom for these five souls, but I continue to feel the Lord blessing me and Aaron everyday with strength beyond our own and insight and personal revelation that is exactly what we need, to know how to care for the individual needs of each child.

I just realized no little Lukey Lu pictures in this post--I will get on that and post some more soon. Another motivation to not let so much time pass before blogging again!


Shelli Sivert said...

Hi Cort! Loved the mom story. I hear ya, at least to a small degree. I have one soul to look after but sometimes I feel maxed out. You ARE brave to take the kids to the park. Keeping an eye on even one child is a trick. Jed is at the phase where he just wanders off. It scares the daylights out of me. This is the same kid who will NOT go to nursery without me. Get him in a crowd outside and he's gone if I turn my head.

Well, I'm glad you're blogging again. I'm always happy when there's an update from you. I guess it's just because I miss you and this helps keep in touch. God bless you and your family!

Amanda said...

I love you!!! You say everything I don't know how to say. I count it a small victory each day that I get the 3 kids up and dressed, even bigger if I get dressed:) When we go to the museum or the park etc ... it's a victory for moms everywhere. When we walk to pick up Mike from work (a mile a way) I feel like we are a commercial for family life everywhere. Thanks lady! Oh and YES he is the cutest 5 month old ever! Adorable!

Rob and Mare said...

Oh Cort, I had a visual of you through that whole story. You are so funny! But I don't know how you do it. You're the best mom. (By the way, whenever your name comes up it's always followed by how amazing of a mom you are. Always) And you are. You're amazing!
And I do have to say I have the cutest niece and nephews ever! Your pictures are darling:)

Discovery Preschool said...

hey cort, i am so happy you are back in the blogging world.. although i completely understand why you might not have time:) thanks for your kind comment on my page.. it is definitely a learning process! we need to drive up and see you guys and maybe we can chat.. that is if one of the kids doesn't need us:)