Get ready for a lot of posts all at once! Things have been crazy busy around here lately---we had a blitz of doctor's appointments and things with PTO come all at once (t-shirt orders, red ribbon week, halloween carnival prep, etc....), not to mention the normal craziness of Aaron's extremely busy schedule with work, school and church responsibilities which equates to my craziness from time to time!
But, before I move on to the happenings of my lovely family, I must comment on politics---I have resisted for sooo long to post about it because I get so fired up! But, I can no longer hold it in......! There are too many opinions to put them all out there, but just for record's sake and a little humor, I will comment on our current political season. Plus, I want my children to remember that mom cared about current events, probably too much, but I care!
First, I will just put it out there, I plan on voting for John McCain, after reading a lot on voting records, watching the debates and simply thinking it through a lot. I am proud to say that I did not reach this decision merely by watching a panel of analysts on CNN or listening to Sean Hannity on the radio or reading just one article here or there. There are several things that I tend to agree a little more with Barack Obama on, but there are just some fundamental things that I disagree too strongly with him on to vote for him. So, here are my three main reasons for voting for McCain: (remember this is just for my own record's sake, I don't care if most of you have stopped reading by now!)
1-I love the idea of an across the board spending freeze and I really hope he sticks to his word on that. I won't go into my thoughts on how ridiculous it is how much money the government wastes!
2-I tend to trust his choices on who to appoint as Supreme Court justices more than Obama---I feel like Obama has a much greater chance of appointing someone with a political agenda that wouldn't align with my values and frankly the values of the majority of America.
3-I can't stomach that Obama can't stand up and say no, just flat out no to partial birth abortion. Obviously, I want NO completely to abortion at any stage, but his fumbling around the issue of partial birth abortion just angers me. He tries to make this giant loophole of "the health of the mother" sound normal, well you can call being overweight from the pregnancy a danger to your health. Life and death situation is a different scenario, but "health" of the mother--that vagueness equates to meaning anything someone wants it to mean. Which by the way, those life and death scenarios I mentioned hardly EVER happen.
Ok....take a deep breath, no more talk on that subject or I could go on way too long...With all of that said, there are some things that drive me crazy about McCain (remember I'm voting for him, so I have the right to also point out what I don't like). There are some details of big issues like health care and education that I don't like what he is proposing, but here are some ticky tac things that are bugging, just today:
Did anyone else notice last night on the debate how he went off on a tangent about finding a cure for Autism and said that this is something Sarah Palin struggles with, etc. (not an exact quote, but that general thought)---hello, Sarah Palin's baby has Down Syndrome, not Autism---big difference!
--Also, in the last two debates he does this random jig at the end because he doesn't know where to go--he looks like he's going to fall over and have a heart attack (another subject altogether!)---He flares his arms side to side while making funny, confused faces--it's just random and looks like he's had way too much coffee that day! If you see me, I will show you what I mean!
Ok, enough--if I've had enough by just typing, I'm sure anyone actually taking precious time to read this has had enough too! And if you're wondering when I have the time to go on and on with this soapbox---Julia and Jack are at school and Adam and Luke are asleep and I want a break from PTO stuff!
Take home message: Just make up your own mind & VOTE!!!