I have all these little moments that I have to just laugh at, that I want to remember, that make me smile, or make me cry! Either way, I need to be better at recording them. So, here goes:
*Julia is growing up before our eyes, ok all the children are, but Julia in particular seems older and wiser as each day passes! She is beautiful and such a great sister to her brothers.
*Jack made me laugh this week when we were sitting in church and he pulled out a pile of basketball cards from his pocket right in the middle of sacrament meeting---I should've been mad, but it made me laugh.
*Adam was so excited to go to Kindergarten Registration, so he called it Kindergarten Celebration!
*Luke broke his leg on Sunday---He has will of iron to go through all that he does! He was on the tramp and got bounced and come down right on his leg, breaking his tibia bone. So, he's sporting a cast from thigh to toes for the next four weeks. Not fun, but he's being a trooper and finding ways to get around.
*Ezra is into everything and loves to say mama and dada, so cute!
These next pictures make me so happy! It has been a year and a half since Luke got sick and during that time he has really struggled to warm up to anyone except me and Aaron and sometimes Julia (major trust issues after being so tramautized, it's a long story!) Anyway, that has slowly been changing in the last couple of months as he is more interactive with the therapists he works with, his siblings, etc.
Well, tonight I walked into our bedroom to see Luke with Adam watching a movie & they were all snug, holding on to each other's hand! This may not seem like a big deal, but it was so darling to me! I've waited a year and a half to see Luke like this with one of his brothers---makes me so happy!
How do you even get a breath in???=) You are super mom! Poor Luke. I can't stop thinking about him. When Mom told me, my heart sunk. I loved that you got rid of the tramp so soon too. It made me laugh. I hope he is feeling better!
As always, I love your pictures. So cute! Tell Miss Julia hi from me. After the Superbowl party (she kept scaring me and jumping out of nowhere. it was funny) I missed her! She was my buddy. So tell her hi and she better watch out=)
Sorry for the long post... so much to say=)
I love seeing your children's smiles. They are all so cute! Moments sometimes are what gets us through...gotta love the good ones.
Kindergarten celebration! Haha Those pictures are so cute!
Darling pictures of your cute boys! Glad to hear Luke is hanging in there. He is a strong one that's for sure! :) And Adam...what a cutie! Kindergarten celebration...I love it! Give them all a big hug for me! :)
I know... i can't believe that little Luke broke his leg! Poor guy.. but he really is a trooper. and those pic's of him and Adam are so sweet.. that is my hopes for this future baby and oli:) Always fun to hear from you!
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