Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hey, What About Mom??!!!! of my favorite things is to listen in on Julia and Jack's conversations. So, the other day I was in the family room playing with Adam and they were in the kitchen coloring and I was saying silly stuff to Adam to make Julia and Jack laugh. So, then a few minutes later I hear the conversation:
Jack: "We have a funny mom, huh Julia?"
Julia: "Oh yeah!"
Jack: "But, especially our dad, he's really funny!"

Cute, but kinda a blow to my fun level as a parent!

Then, later on in the day we were talking about something about being smart and working hard etc. And Julia said, "Oh yeah, like if I had Daddy's job, theres no way I could do all of his homework." So I said, "You're right, but Julia it's also really hard work to be a mom." She replies, "What mom, moms don't have homework." Wanna make a bet!!!!! It's a constant unfinished assignment!

Sidenote: The "homework" that Julia was referring to was Aaron's preparation to take the PE Exam (Professional Engineer), which includes several pages of notes and calculations for each problem. He took the exam in October and found out right after Christmas that he passed! Congratulations to Aaron, now he can officially put PE after his name, but I joked that he can never take the BS after my name away---that would be bachelor's of science---what were you thinking??!!!


Cari said...

Someday she'll know just how much homework mom's have! I know I didn't truly appreciate mom until I became a mom. I remember giving the morning prayer when I was a teenager and blessed that dad would have a good day at work, we would have a good day at school and mom would have fun. Mom tells me afterwards, "You just wait for the 'fun' days ahead." Yeah, I feel bad now!

Cari said...

I forgot...Yea Aaron!!! Seriously, that's awesome! Thanks for being such a great example for the young eyes and ears in the family!